Wegmans California Roll with White Rice (Cooked)

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Wegmans California Roll with White Rice (Cooked)
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Cooking instructions

Keep Refrigerated.


- - MADE WITH NO GLUTEN-CONTAINING INGREDIENTS - - Keep Refrigerated. - - Ingredients: Water, Rice, Avocado, Cucumber, Pollock, Sugar, Modified Tapioca Starch,Sesame Seeds, Salt, Seaweed, Rice Vinegar, Potato Starch, Sorbitol, Palm Oil, Soy Protein, Distilled Vinegar, Glucono Delta Lactone, Yeast Extract, Lycopene, Paprika Oleoresin, Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate, Corn Starch, Egg, Soybean Oil, Rice Wine, Modified Corn Starch, Cellulose, Glycerol, Lecithin, Lactic Acid. If Brown Rice, also Quinoa. Also Contains: Gluten Free Soy Sauce, Wasabi and Ginger.

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