Inspired Cuisine Chicken Curry With Egg Fried Rice 400g

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Inspired Cuisine Chicken Curry With Egg Fried Rice 400g
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Cooking instructions

All appliances vary, the following are guidelines only. For best results microwave heat from chilled. MICROWAVE: Remove sleeve and pierce film several times. Place on a microwaveable plate and cook for the time specified (750w - CHILLED: 3 minutes 30 seconds, add 1 tablespoon water, stir and re-cover, 3 minutes. FROZEN: 5 minutes 30 seconds, add 1 tablespoon water, stir and re-cover, 5 minutes. 850w - CHILLED: 3 minutes, add 1 tablespoon water, stir and re-cover, 2 minutes 30 seconds. FROZEN: 5 minutes, add 1 tablespoon water, stir and re-cover, 4 minutes 30 seconds. 1000w - CHILLED: 2 minutes 30 seconds, add 1 tablespoon water, stir and re-cover, 2 minutes. FROZEN: 4 minutes 30 seconds, add 1 tablespoon water, stir and re-cover, 4 minutes). Partway through cooking, carefully peel back film, add 1 tablespoon of water to the rice and stir both compartments thoroughly. Replace film and continue cooking for the remaining time. Allow to stand for 1 minute. Stir before serving. OVEN: Place on a baking tray on the middle shelf of a preheated oven for the time specified (Electric 200degC - CHILLED: 20 minutes (10 minutes, add 1 tablespoon water, stir and re-cover, 10 minutes). FROZEN: 35 minutes (20 minutes, add 1 tablespoon water, stir and re-cover, 15 minutes). Fan 180degC - CHILLED: 20 minutes (10 minutes, add 1 tablespoon water, stir and re-cover, 10 minutes). FROZEN: 35 minutes (20 minutes, add 1 tablespoon water, stir and re-cover, 15 minutes). Gas 6 - CHILLED: 20 minutes (10 minutes, add 1 tablespoon water, stir and re-cover, 10 minutes) FROZEN: 35 minutes (20 minutes, add 1 tablespoon water, stir and re-cover, 15 minutes). Partway through cooking, carefully peel back film, add 1 tablespoon of water to the rice and stir both compartments thoroughly. Replace film and continue cooking for the remaining time. Allow to stand for 1 minute. Stir before serving. Ensure product is thoroughly cooked and piping hot throughout. Do not reheat.


Egg Fried Rice (Water, Long Grain Rice, Pasteurised Free Range Egg, Onion, Peas, Rapeseed Oil, Toasted Sesame Oil, Ginger Puree, Salt), Cooked Chicken (20%) (Chicken Breast, Water, Dextrose, Potato Starch, Salt, Cornflour), Water, Onion, Peas, Coconut Extract, Toasted Sesame Oil, Sugar, Ginger Puree, Cornflour, Curry Powder (Ground Coriander, Turmeric, Mustard Powder, Rice Flour, Chilli Powder, Cumin, Ground Fenugreek, Salt, Ground Ginger, White Pepper, Paprika, Sunflower Oil, Fennel, Nutmeg), Rapeseed Oil, Soy Sauce (Water, Fermented Soya Bean, Wheat, Salt), Garlic Puree, Tomato Paste, Red Chilli, Salt, Turmeric, Flavouring, Five Spice Powder (Fennel, Cassia, Ground Star Anise, Ground Cloves, Ground Ginger), Chicken Fat, Chicken Extract.

Storage instructions

Keep refrigerated below 5degC. Once opened, use immediately. Suitable for freezing. Freeze by date mark shown and use within one month. Never defrost in a warm room. Do not refreeze once defrosted.

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