Milka Tafel Kuhflecken

Es gibt eine Bewertung mit einer Wertung von 3,0 für Milka Tafel Kuhflecken. Registriere dich oder melde dich an und du beginnst sofort, Punkte zu sammeln und Abzeichen freizuschalten. Verwende die Tags, um dieses Produkt mit anderen Produkten in derselben Kategorie zu vergleichen und vielleicht entdeckst du dein neues Lieblingsprodukt im Supermarkt!

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avatar Sugarbae
29. Sep 2023

Beautiful, tasty but not worth it.
Tasty chocolate
Beautiful spotted pattern
Milk chocolate predominates over white

Very nice bar with a mottled pattern in milk and white chocolate. But the milk flavor is actually the only thing I taste. Even the entire bottom of the bar is milk chocolate and only a few spots of white on top. Furthermore, in terms of taste, it is very tasty, as I know from milka chocolates.
29. Sep 2023
Beautiful, tasty but not worth it.
Very nice bar with a mottled pattern in milk and white chocolate. But the milk flavor is actually the only thing I taste. Even the entire bottom of the bar is milk chocolate and only a few spots of white on top. Furthermore, in terms of taste, it is very tasty, as I know from milka chocolates.

Tasty chocolate
Beautiful spotted pattern
Milk chocolate predominates over white

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Zucker, Kakaobutter, MAGERMILCHPULVER, Kakaomasse, Süßmolkenpulver (aus MILCH), BUTTERREINFETT, Emulgator (SOJALECITHIN), HASELNÜSSE, Aroma. Kann andere NÜSSE und WEIZEN enthalten.

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